Monday, September 19, 2011

The social media

Social Media and My Business
                The social media is becoming more and more of a necessity for all businesses nowadays. People all over the world are connected to some sort of social media. Facebook and twitter are one of the most used social media tools being used by business around the world today. For my business I know I’m going to have to be an effective user of the social media because I would need to get connected to people around the world. Getting people involved locally will help my business directly because I would need to address those concerns as soon as possible. Globally, I would need to get people involved in my business because I can learn a lot from the trends going on around the world. Trends can be very helpful to my business because I can see what I need to change or make better.
                The social media world is also good because I can let people know about new products fast and spread it out to everyone around the world. Nowadays people want the latest updates and they want to know it right away. Facebook can increase my fan base and twitter can be used as my primary source for getting my information out there ASAP! Even websites for putting pictures up or for blogging can increase the information about my company in an efficient manner. The world is changing and so is technology and also how information is being sent out to our consumers. In order for businesses to thrive in this type of environment, we need to have the latest technologies and used them to their highest potential.
                Every business should be constant users or the social media if they want to be successful. Social media is the best way to advertise products and to get people informed. People are always looking to get others to understand what a new product is and how it will be utilized so these social media website are gateways to a better understanding. More specifically, the social media will benefit my company because I can get people information about the next top prospect and put him on a spotlight for scouts to see. This will give my company more credibility because parents and teams will trust my company to promote their team to the other parts of the country. Advertising a school more can be beneficial to the school because they will attracted better players and parents will know about school outside of their local area.


  1. Your social presence will have to bomb for this site. I love the idea of getting more recruiting news on the web as ESPNU is the only real legitimate source for up to date news and even then they're still slow, pay for access, and slow to non-existent on putting out information. If you were able to provide accurate information, People would want to follow you on Twitter and Facebook and then these users would already be interested in your product without ever seeing the actual site.

  2. Your presence in the social media is going to be key for your business to succeed. I think you have a great business plan with your idea of creating a channel for the sole purpose of all around coverage of high school athletes. Just because it isn't as high as collegiate and professional athletics it does get overlooked, but high school athletics are important as well. Being involved in the social media world with updates and news is a great idea for your business to succeed. You will have many people following your ideas on the web for certain.
