Monday, October 31, 2011

What I learned

This project allowed me to see technology in a different light. It made me more of an innovator and showed me how the different social media outlets can get me to start a local business. Even though I did not start an official business, I still experienced the promoting side of it and the different technological advancements used today in businesses. Every week I try to compare what I learned in class to what the purpose of my business is. I saw that everything we learned in class can benefit my business in many ways such as the social media to even knowing what hardware was best suited for my business.
Another part that helped me understand the business world a little more was reading what other people were posting on their blog sites and comparing it to mine. I got to see post about people that were just like me who were starting a business, to a professional speaking about a certain product in the market. Some of the blogs posted were well thought out and made me think twice about my business idea and whether or not it will go a long way in the business world. But after looking at how much my business meant to me, I saw that it was something I really wanted to do and if I felt strongly about it, I can make it a successful one.
Technology plays a big part in starting a business. Technology allows information to be sent out which allows ideas to be expressed. In one blog post I read, it said that the reason why it is good to blog even though people might not listen is that it gets you to think. I completely agree with this statement because every time I was writing my blog post, I thought about more ideas as I went along.  Blog after blog my ideas tend to get more complex and eventually gave me a better understanding of what I really wanted from my business.
If you asked me right now, “when will I start my business?” I will say, not anytime soon. In these last couple of weeks I’ve only experienced getting an idea and developing it into something the market will find profitable. This took a long time to just get an idea of what I really wanted to do and I still have to make a lot of adjustments in order to make it profitable. I never thought I will start a business, but after delving into the social media world as a person interested in starting a business, I find myself being more innovative.  I think social media goes beyond just meeting new people, it allows people to let their voices be heard even if it is not something people consider the “next-best-thing”.
Below are the links of the blogs I commented on.
Thank you
Daniel Nuñez     

Professional Blog Post

I found a blog online and I thought i should share it with my fellow blogger world. It talks about how the iphone 4S battery life had a malfunction and provides ways to help fix the problem. I think anybody reading this will benefit from what it said because it provides a good sense of what is out on the market and how can consumers might be turned away from a certain product. I posted a comment showing how I feel so tell me what you think!

Monday, October 24, 2011

IP Address

Every business nowadays has a website that you can locate them. More businesses are becoming more “tech-friendly” by getting accounts on twitter and facebook.  Also most websites have videos to make people get involved with the visual side of their industry. This week in class, we learned about IP address and how they are created. IP addresses are a code of numbers that connect to a network or website.  Many IP address are running out because so many websites have been made and there are only so much combination one can make. IP address can also be a where computer is located. For example, computers that are connected to a router in a particular area can be located if you know the IP address.
For my business I would create a website because it will allow information to be sent out. With a website, people can always find out information about events going on in areas that are out of their proximity. Having a website allows for athletes to be seen when they can’t be reached by a scout. I can display scores that some teams posted up and any stats that some players are putting up. Having an internet allows my business to accommodate scouts who can’t make certain games. It also allows people to keep track of their favorite teams or players at all times.  
Another factor to consider in creating a website is picking a domain. When picking a domain it is important to pick one that will make sense with my company name and its mission.  First I will narrow it down to two domain names (.com and .org). After thinking about how I want my business to be portrayed, I would consider getting a domain that ends in .com because even though my business is an organization, it is also a promotional website. Now when people look at the name of my website, they can see that it is also a website that is unique and has a lot of accurate information. Choosing a website is very important because it also gives people an idea of what you are trying to promote. After I find out what I want to promote, then I can start enhancing my website with different attracting features.   

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Operating systems and digital color

Knowing the basic functions of an operating system can help us understand what is going on when we search something online or when transferring documents to another server. Linux was one of the first operating system and it was a successful one up until we made advancements on how we use the computer. Now we can translate information without having to put certain codes in the computer manually. When I was doing a lab, I found out the using this program you have to be very specific when you type something into the program. If the file name is not the exact one as the one you saved, it will not go through the system, in turn, driving you nuts! Learning how to use Linux made me think of a computer as a calculator because you have to put formulas or words the same way it was originally written.
If I would have known that this program wanted me to be more specific, then I would’ve had less trouble.  Knowing how to use operating systems allow you to find out problems happening with the computer by seeing what is going on behind all the designs and into the “computer talk” of the computer. This will help my business because if I knew more about operating system, I will be able to fix problems happening with the internet. Also this will help me because if I wanted an office with more the one computer, it can help me out with virtualization immensely. This helps me with virtualization because if I wanted to transfer certain documents to another computer, I would be able to send it when it won’t go through normally.
Digital colors are also important to a business because web designing is a big part for any big corporation. Good web designing skills help the business because certain colors can come out to be strong and powerful when it’s conveyed through a good message. For example, not all reds will be the red that you would want, therefore knowing what color suits the company the best, will make it more original. Specifically, knowing how to design a page helps my business because people will be attracted to my website by the way I use some of the colors.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Binary Coding

It’s funny how computers work; everything is processed through two numbers such as 0’s and 1’s called binary coding. Certain patterns mean different things such as the number four is (1 0 0). Computing is all based on this binary coding and it is an easy way of translating computerized symbols, numbers, words etc. The number 1 means on and the number 0 means off so when we see the binary code for the number four, what it really is saying is one set of numbers is on and the other two aren’t being used. Binary coding tells us how many bits are in a document. We’ve improved our technology from having gadgets that function in kilobytes to having computers with terabyte power.
Learning about binary coding will help me with my business because binary coding is the main function of all computers. I can always understand what’s going on if I know certain coding a computer makes. Knowing about binary coding delves into the technical part of computing and it is important to know how things are working on a computer.
Another thing that would be good for my business is to know how to compress files in mp3 files because I might want to save room on my website by uploading music that contains a small amount of bits. It will also to be helpful to make wav files because I might want certain songs to have good quality to go along with videos that are being viewed on HD. I can also make every recent video have wav file and then upload the same video later with an mp3 file so I can save more room on the website. I can also make it an advertisement tool by making the videos on my website only wav files and when other people want to use my videos, I can give to them in an mp3 file and if they want the video that contains the wav file, I can sell it to them. Learning when to use these different types of technology and understanding how to use it will help my business in many ways both economically and fan-base-wise.   

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Input/Output devices

My Business in an input/output point of view
                There are a bunch of input and output devices that people use. One of the most common input and output devices used today is a camera. The camera is good for a lot reasons especially for enhancing your business. For my business I can use a camera for things like designing my page and for pictures used for big name headlines. For my business I would probably want to use one that has a lot of megabytes because I may want to display it in big screens and have very detailed images. In sports, the best pictures are taken in the middle of a specific action like when a kid goes for an alley opp dunk or when a hitter makes contact with a baseball.
                Another technology that I would probably use is RFID technology because I may want products to be sold for people or have giveaways. I would need RFID technology because this helps me scan things in bunches instead of scanning each product one by one. This will allow me to get more things done in shorter amount of time. RFID is the next big thing because it is taking us away from the barcode era and promoting better ways to take account for products being sold in large amounts. With RFID I can check how much of a certain product I have and if sales are going down, I can give away the extra shirts I may have as rewards. If I get people to where accessories that say my products name then my business will benefit because fans become more familiar with my brand. However, since RFID is a new technology, there can be many things that go wrong. Maybe it hasn’t been tested out enough so when I put it to use, it probably won’t function as well.
                Another technology I would use for my business is QR codes because with QR codes I will be able to create one that goes to my homepage. I will have prizes and giveaways included in my QR code so that way they won’t have to go through the hassle of trying to find it themselves. QR coding is a new technology that will be used in the future and it allows messages to be seen more because people can be directed to where the producer wants his customers to go for updates and awards.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hardware and my business
                The fact that I can build a computer from scratch will benefit my business in so many ways. I can constantly check the new products in the market that will make my computer better. For example: a new hard drive that is loaded with giga bytes or RAM will speed my computer 100 times more! Learning how to build computers is also helpful for my business because I won’t be confused on how to fix the technological systems at the work site. If I’m an efficient technician then I can direct my other employers in the right direction to fix the problem ASAP.
                More specifically, learning how to fix computers or making my computer faster will help me when there are large amounts of request coming from my customers. If people want to know more information about the last game that went on and I’ve been having trouble sending things out on time, then I might need new RAM to speed up my computer. Also if my fan base gets bigger, I might need a larger server to have them in my database. Also investing in a super computer will also help my business more because with the more people involved in my website, the more information is needed.
                Hardware is becoming more important to businesses around the world because information is being sent out in a faster rate across the world. With better hardware in your computer, you allow your computers to run smoothly and at the best rate possible. Computers are being faster and easier to use, so changing your memory or CPU just so your computer can run faster wouldn’t be a bad idea.