This project allowed me to see technology in a different light. It made me more of an innovator and showed me how the different social media outlets can get me to start a local business. Even though I did not start an official business, I still experienced the promoting side of it and the different technological advancements used today in businesses. Every week I try to compare what I learned in class to what the purpose of my business is. I saw that everything we learned in class can benefit my business in many ways such as the social media to even knowing what hardware was best suited for my business.
Another part that helped me understand the business world a little more was reading what other people were posting on their blog sites and comparing it to mine. I got to see post about people that were just like me who were starting a business, to a professional speaking about a certain product in the market. Some of the blogs posted were well thought out and made me think twice about my business idea and whether or not it will go a long way in the business world. But after looking at how much my business meant to me, I saw that it was something I really wanted to do and if I felt strongly about it, I can make it a successful one.
Technology plays a big part in starting a business. Technology allows information to be sent out which allows ideas to be expressed. In one blog post I read, it said that the reason why it is good to blog even though people might not listen is that it gets you to think. I completely agree with this statement because every time I was writing my blog post, I thought about more ideas as I went along. Blog after blog my ideas tend to get more complex and eventually gave me a better understanding of what I really wanted from my business.
If you asked me right now, “when will I start my business?” I will say, not anytime soon. In these last couple of weeks I’ve only experienced getting an idea and developing it into something the market will find profitable. This took a long time to just get an idea of what I really wanted to do and I still have to make a lot of adjustments in order to make it profitable. I never thought I will start a business, but after delving into the social media world as a person interested in starting a business, I find myself being more innovative. I think social media goes beyond just meeting new people, it allows people to let their voices be heard even if it is not something people consider the “next-best-thing”.
Below are the links of the blogs I commented on.
Thank you
Daniel Nuñez (alex rajaniemi’s)